We supply a great range of kids watches at great prices. Fast delivery NZ wide!

Watch Manuals and Video Instructions

As the original manuals that come with most watches are not that great, we are starting to create our own versions. Many watches share the same functions, so some of the manuals are quite generic.

We are also starting a collection of videos for our most popular watches showing how the features work.

Choose either the video instruction or a written manual to learn how to use your watch. Look on the back of the watch for the exact model number.

Video Instructions

SKMEI 1025 Digital Watch


How to remove the back of a snap watch back so you can change the battery.


Written Manuals

 PDF File  SKMEI 1077 Boys and Girls Sporty Watch Manual

 PDF File  SKMEI 1095 Transformer Digital Watch Manual

 PDF File  SKMEI 1100 Bright Coloured Girls Digital Watch Manual

 PDF File  OHSEN 1610 Sporty Digital Watch Manual

 PDF File  HOSKA H012S Digital Watch Manual

PDF File   SKMEI 1266 Latrge Face Digital Watch Manual


To view all the watch instructions on one page click the link to see them all in plain text format.